
Publishing for Earth’s Future

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for the Spring Semester 2018 Astronomy Research Seminar
is available at:

 Choose from Our Series Below

Humanity Series

Edited volumes that capture the
 presentations of our Humanity Participants' Conference Series

Astronomy Series

Books that gather student, amateur, & professional astronomical research

Flourishing Earth Series

Books that consider
humanity and our future
 from varying perspectives

Science Series

Books that capture the world of science, written to inform and inspire the lay reader
First in the Series

Flourishing Earth Series
(Click on title or book cover for more information on each book)

(Click on Book for more information)

Active Peace
A Mindful Path to a Nonviolent World

A guide to healing our relationship to
self, others, nature, and the world

... a passionately engaged and pragmatic message
from the trenches of a life devoted to service.
Andrew Harvey

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$19.95 (paperback)                $12.95 (eBook)

238  pages - paperback or eBook
Includes Restorative Practices, resources, and index

(Click on Book for more information)

Becoming Intimate with the Earth

A powerful guide to healing our relationship
with our planetary home.

“Science-rich, artful, soul-nourishing.”
Michael Dowd, author
Thank God for Evolution

Order Now

186 pages with poetry, graphics,
 intimacy practices, and resources

 About Pauline Le Bel


Humanity Series
(Click on title or book cover for more information on each book)

(Click on Book for more information)

Science, Wisdom, and the Future
goes to Evergreen State College in Washington. 
Click here!


Humanity's Quest for a Flourishing Earth

This book is no longer available to order,
but there are some still available for cost of shipping only, if you would like to contact
the Managing Editor

Scientists, philosophers, economists, educators, activists, artists, and business people consider vital questions.
Their deliberations provide a broad vista of the human and planetary conditions and a hopeful vision.

The last in the
Humanity Conference and Book Series

From the Humanity
Conference and Book Series

(Click on Book for more information)

Click here for a comprehensive book review

A collection of research, essays, and artistic work
from the Evolutionary Epic Conference
with guest contributions

The Evolutionary Epic

Science's Story and Humanity's Response

Edited by
Cheryl Genet, Russell Genet, Brian Swimme,
Linda Palmer
& Linda Gibler
Foreword by David Christian

368 page hardbound volume - 34 chapters
/ 45 Authors

This book is no longer available to order,
but there are some still available for cost of shipping only, if you would like to contact
the Managing Editor

The Inspiration for the
Humanity Conference
& Book Series

(Click on Book for more information)


A science story of how we came to be

 The Chimpanzees Who Would Be Ants

Russell M. Genet

A highly-readable account of the physical, biological, and cultural
evolution of humanity, from the big bang to present.  The book
makes a unique comparison between humans and chimpanzees
as our genetic relatives and humans and ants as our social analogue. 
It also presents four possible future scenarios for humanity to allow
 the reader to "write their own ending."

Foreword by Peter Richerson
215 page hardbound volume

This book is no longer available to order,
but there are some still available for cost of shipping only, if you would like to contact
the Managing Editor

The Latest Research
in the Scientific Study of Religions

(Click on Book for more information)

A collection of papers and essays
from the Evolution of Religion Conference

Studies, Theories, and Critiques

Edited by

oseph Bulbulia, Richard Sosis, Russell Genet,
Cheryl Genet, Erica Harris, and Karen Wyman

406 page hardbound volume - 50 chapters / 55 Authors

This book is no longer available to order,
but there are some still available for cost of shipping only, if you would like to contact
the Managing Editor


The Science Series
(Click on title or book cover for more information on each book)

(Click on Book for more information)

Journey to Civilization

The Science of How We Got Here
Roger P. Briggs

280 page soft cover
Illustrated with nearly 100 charts, graphs,
 and full color graphics and photographs

$34.95  Order
Also available as an eBook

Full description


The Astronomy Series
(Click on title or book cover for more information on each book)

(Click on Book for more information)

Double Star Research
A Student-Centered Community of Practice

 Order this Book

Student teams collaborated with experts in the field to
complete their projects and in the process created a
networked community of practice. Each team focused its research on visual double stars by contributing observations using a visual eyepiece, CCD camera, or speckle interferometry

(Click on Book for more information)

Double Star Astrometry
Collaborations, Investigations,
and Advanced Techniques

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An essential tool for the double star community; it contains information for many types of observers and is suitable for an observatory library, classroom, or home bookshelf.

(Click on Book for more information)

Speckle Interferometry
of Close Visual Binaries

 Order this Book

Exploration of full automation to increase the quantity of observations in an economical manner, and masks adapted
from exoplanet imaging to disperse the bright primary
starlight away from “discovery zones” so that
secondary stars can be detected.

(Click on Book for more information)

The Double Star Reader
Selected Papers from the Journal of Double Star Observations

 Order this Book

A diverse sampling detailing both historical and modern observations as well as the techniques and technologies used by amateurs, students, and professionals.

(Click on Book for more information)

Small Telescope
and Astronomical Research

Students! This is NOT the
Astronomy Research Seminar Text.

(See Small Telescope Astronomical Research
Handbook above

Smaller telescopes (two meters or less)
Their use in research and education

Order this Book

Visit the Alt-Az initiative website at


(Click on Book for more information)

The Alt-Az Initiative
Telescope, Mirror, & Instrument Developments

Smaller telescopes (two meters or less)
Their development and use

Order this Book

Visit the Alt-Az initiative website at


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